
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Do you know that you can loose up to 90% of kidney function and be asymptomatic? Catching CKD early can slow the progression of this disease significantly. So what are the drivers and contributing factors of CKD? And what diet and lifestyle interventions can we implement to assist with both the prevention and treatment of CKD?

What is functional testing?
Complimentary health practitioners can use a large range of tests to measure an individuals biochemical processes. The various tests can measure parasites and microbial diversity, hormones, enzymes, genetic traits, nutrient status and amino acids, to name a few.

Juicing for health and vitality
Most of us have heard and/or read about the benefits that juicing can have on the body, and whilst many genuinely like the idea of juicing for health, I have found the number one reason patients report not consistently implementing juicing into their daily routine it is the time that is required to make it. I would like to convince you that the 10-15 minutes you could spend on making a daily juice is worth it!

Blastocystis: Microbiome Friend or Foe?
For decades Blastocystis has been controversial, as despite the many studies done on this organism it has never been determined if it is pathogenic or commensal.